Holding Hands


360×130×100 cm

Indian Red Sandstone

in front of the entrance of Life Science Dept., Cheng-Kung Campus.

The work “Holding Hands” demonstrates a gradual transformation based on the shape of the human body. The empty space in the middle is used to make the surroundings part of the work. The simple lines and structures combined with the empty space signifying what’s there and what’s not strengthen the description of the work as both figures intertwine together.


廖清雲   Liao, Ching-Yun   1943~

Graduating from National Taiwan Academy of Art, Liao, Ching-Yun, learned from several important masters in Taiwan including Yang, Ying-Feng and Liu, Chi-Wei and was influenced by them accordingly. After residing in Hualien in 1967, he began to use local stone materials ...More