Wriggling with Spring Breeze


675×120×393 cm

stainless steel and aluminium with spray paint.


Breeze in spring is always comforting; demonstration of stamina is never a feigned act of falsification and exaggeration. Gentle and elegant wriggling can show forth the rhythm of life.   The campus is a land for youth with strong stamina; all the seasons in its environment are spring-like, the renovation project of the auditorium will allow more art performance. Seeds of art are being sown as if it is time for spring plowing. The germinating twigs stretch out in all directions like wriggling worms. Melody of life is composed in art, and rhythm of life is conducted by its own. The momentum comes from the wind in the environment that nourishes the land. Swaying and wriggling jointly present an eternal spring.


梁任宏   Liang, Ren-Hong   1957~

1957年生於台灣省台南縣。1977年畢業於私立東方工藝專科學校美工科。1979至1998間,從事平面設計、空間規劃等工作。1999年開始成為自由創作者。2002 年畢業於台南藝術學院造型藝術研究所。2007年擔任高雄師範大學美術系兼任教師。 在創作中結合環保概念的推廣,讓作品同時也能做教育。他的大型作品,希望透過自身的藝術創作以發人省思的方式,警示大眾地球暖化的嚴重性。作品中同時常出現「宗教」的概念,而這種深存其內心的顯像,與他早年農村家庭的背景關係密切。任宏之祖父為牛販,父親耕農,住任宏隔壁的小叔梁清良則受天上聖母的附身,成為乩...More