林憲德   Lin, Hsien-Te   1954~

Mr. Lin, Hsien-Te, currently a Chair Professor in the Department of Architecture at National Cheng Kung University, is the originator of the Taiwan Green Building Mark. He has frequently helped with the formulation of national building energy conservation regulations. His publication “Green Architecture in Hot and Humid Climates” is nowadays a widely adopted textbook. His research interests are architectural physics, architectural energy saving, and green building. He also engages in art making.




2003 獲中華民國建築學會「建築獎章」
2004 獲內政部「綠建築特別貢獻獎」


王一芝,〈每塊磚、每吋管線 都要計較節能效率〉,《遠見雜誌》2010年7月號 第289期 http://www.gvm.com.tw/Boardcontent_16351.html
黃亦筠,〈林憲德 台灣最「綠」的教授〉,《天下雜誌》2007年5月號 第372期 http://www.cw.com.tw/article/article.action?id=32448